01 La Baltasara: Antonio Gala House Museum

La Baltasara: Antonio Gala House Museum

The estate that is faithful to Malaga’s 19th century rural architecture and enamoured the writer in the late eighties –when he was about to make the leap from being a playwright to a novelist–, remained hidden from the public for at least three decades. It was only known to Gala and his closest friends: his garden guests. This “green, terraced garden, this open sky, this tireless light...” as he describes it, was a place of solitude: sonorous solitude, chosen by Gala himself.

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02 The setting Edenic countryside

“Here I retire, work, think, digest the sounds, although the silence is broken on very few occasions. I see the lights fade, the lights brighten, as they brush the tree tops with their golden fingers, I hear the wind ruffling the leaves...”

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03 Antonio Gala’s house

Blue wisteria on the patio and the ranch, a small garden with rosemary and myrtle, eucalyptus trees that guard the resting place of Antonio’s dogs, in a tidy row...

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04 La Baltasara: a recluse actress

La Baltasara:
a recluse actress

“Todo lo tiene bueno La Baltasara. / Todo lo tiene bueno, / también la cara.” (Everything about La Baltasara is good / Everything about her is good / including her face.) She retired, alone, near Lorca, from where a tile mural by Egea Azcona was taken to embellish the garden on the estate, with an ironic but beautiful picture of La Baltasara.

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05 Antonio Gala at home. His secretary’s memories

He saw its potential. Not too far from the centre, for the bare necessities; not too big or too small, for privacy. And as he used to say, it was and is only 25 Kilometres away from everything: from the seaside, Malaga, the airport, Marbella... And he was right. He turned it into what we see today, but it took lots of effort, work, tender love and care.

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06 Antonio Gala, universal Andalusian (Biography)

Antonio Gala,
universal Andalusian (Biography)

It was at the edge of the sea, at midnight.
I knew God was there
and that the sand and you
and the sea and I and the moon
were all God. And I adored Him.

(Translation of “Playa de El Palo”, from his book of poems Testamendo andaluz published in 1994).

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